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 MinecraftBot (IRC)

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2 posters

Posts : 415
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Join date : 2012-06-20
Age : 41
Location : Glasgow, Scotland

MinecraftBot (IRC) Empty
PostSubject: MinecraftBot (IRC)   MinecraftBot (IRC) EmptyMon Jun 25, 2012 4:15 am

Minecraftbot -

This allows you to see and speak using an irc client, maybe method will be good enough to edit this post properly for any of you who are unsure how irc works.

These are the details you need to use if you are using your own irc client

[edit my method]
What is IRC? IRC is Internet Relay Chat, a convenient, cross-platform, way of communicating. MinecraftBOT allows IRC users to communicate with players in game. (Though currently not with dynmap users).

For those wishing to use a stand-alone client with IRC here are some popular ones:

Windows - mIRC -

Cross-Platform - xChat -

Cross-Platform - IRSSI -

(many others, I'll post as I come across them).

Happy Chatting!
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Posts : 21
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Join date : 2013-01-07

MinecraftBot (IRC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: MinecraftBot (IRC)   MinecraftBot (IRC) EmptyMon May 27, 2013 2:13 am

Any chance of getting this plugin re-enabled?

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MinecraftBot (IRC)
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